Friday 21 August 2009

Old people suck

My boyfriend's grandparents are doing my head in! Is that awful? Two days ago, Lee plugged in the laptop for me at their house while his grandad was recording some terrible music onto usb and for no reason, it went off. Because it was blatantly the end of the world, his grandad proceeced to tell him how everything he touches goes to hell and how he is stupid, blah blah blah. I nearly lost my rag-how dare he critisise the most important person in my life, who is brilliant in every way! Everything thing you say, he has to answer back to and whenever Lee buys him anything, he's full of ingratitude. I could take his face off sometimes. They always go on about how 'precious and talented' Lee's brother is and give Lee no credit. It pure fucks me off I'm telling you.

Anyway, GUM clinic today. Ok, I was fairly traumatised when the nurse showed me the giant piece of metal she was going to ply me apart with wasn't that bad. I'm totally not worried about having a smear now and we do not have genital warts-wahey! Got tested for other stuff that we don't have most likely but better to be safe than sorry. You get 20 free condoms for getting tested. Woohoo! It costs £3 for 3 in ASDA. At least I can come of this pill for a month and lose some weight although my new exercise game for Wii is going well-I'm actually sore from putting effort in!

Went to Vindolanda and other Roman places yesterday. We saw where Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was filmed too. It was a nice day out, pretty boring but I wanted to take Lee as a treat since he's into all that stuff. I mostly enjoyed all the walking and fresh air. We gone from bloody Jordan and Peter to Richard and Judy in one short step.

Still working on the Kate Bush tribute. I think getting my boobs out will add to the excitement.

Lola Lovehoe

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